Posts Tagged ‘the united nations’

Why so many Militray in Haiti?

January 20, 2010

French minister criticizes US aid role in Haiti
PARIS — The United Nations must investigate and clarify the dominant U.S. role in earthquake-ravaged Haiti, a French minister said Monday, claiming that international aid efforts were about helping Haiti, not “occupying” it.

(like asking the UN to investigate themselves is going to get to the bottom of anything)

One wonders why all the policing and little rescue? Upon watching media today. and in the days before.  I can not help but notice the lack of rescuers. what rescues from US I did see were of UN workers and world bank workers. It looked to me like the  Haiti general population was left to fend for themselves!

As US plan even more troop deployment.  One wonders are our military their to rescue or do our leaders have other plans? and with 3000 more UN troops coming. What is it that is really happening in Haiti?

I don’t trust our government or the United Nations or the World bank !

They have mislead the people to many times and I for one learn from my mistakes. unlike our leaders

Like the Aaron Tippin  song.  You’ve got to stand for something

or You’ll fall for anything!